Dear Sir/Madam,
Please excuse Sarah’s PC from work today. It appears a serious case of malware infection has occured, I have prescribed a healthy dose of user training to prevent this reoccuring and to protect other team members from infection
Yours Sincerely
Did you know, around 80% of issues with devices that we resolve on a day to day basis are down to user error. Over the past month we have dealt with countless numbers of malware infections that have been caused by device users clicking links on emails or clicking on sites without knowing whether or not they are safe which costs you time and money!
Around 3/4 of these issues could be prevented by educating the users of your devices on what links they should and shouldn’t open, investing time in user training will save you money in the long run and reduce down time of your devices. Yes, you guessed it, here is where we come in! We are back again to save the day as we can deliver training to your staff, which will help them establish the tell-tale signs of spam malware emails, educate them on how to browse safely and cut down on device sick days! Good idea, we think so call us on 0333 222 4022 to find out more!
It’s not as simple as we look!
Windows 10 upgrades are still causing problems, a lot of users have upgraded without a problem however there are still a lot of users that have run in to difficulties. As we mentioned in our newsletter we are installing updates throughout October for a fixed fee. If you have a maintenance contract with ourselves please call us before you upgrade!