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Serious Fraud Office

Serious Fraud Office

From: Martin Donaldson [] 
Sent: 29 February 2016 15:13
To: Public Enquiries SFO <>


We are a small IT company but we still get bogus callers coming in from abroad trying to get control of our clients (and our PC’s) I guess this might be too small for you guys? But here is the number that they are using I am sure there must be something that could be done to protect more vulnerable members of the public? (not getting at you, just wonder if there is a way?)

Oh the cli they were using is 03102081551095

Best Regards

Martin Donaldson

From: Jayne Marie Foster [] On Behalf Of Public Enquiries SFO
Sent: 24 March 2016 08:19

Martin Donaldson
Cc: Public Enquiries SFO
Subject: TO-3379 RE: [Official]

Dear Mr Donaldson

Thank you for your email of 29 February 2016 about bogus callers. I was sorry to read of your experience having to deal with bogus callers.

You can report suspicious emails, letters or telephone calls to the police through action Fraud.  There is more information about Action Fraud on its website at:  You can also call them on 0300 123 2040.

The Action Fraud sits alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) within the City of London Police which is the national policing lead for fraud.

The NFIB takes all Action Fraud report and uses millions of reports of fraud and cyber crime to identify serial offenders, organised crime gangs and established as well as emerging crime types. This information is passed on to law enforcement agencies where appropriate, and Action Fraud also publishes information for the public about how to avoid scams and attempted frauds.

I hope this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

J M Foster

Serious Fraud Office

This is for reporting emails or text messages about tax matters rather than telephone calls on any matter.

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