We here at Tecchies believe firmly in backing up our data. We love the warm snuggly feeling we get leaving Tecchies HQ at the end of one of our regular Back Up Days knowing that all our valuable data is nice and safe should the worst happen to us while we’re fast asleep in our beds. A lot of our Clients ask for Back up soloutions. We like to recommend backing up your data in the cloud. How does this work? we hear you ask. Your data is backed up off site (so away from your place of business) which means that it’s safe from theft, fire and other local disasters. So should you turn up to work on monday morning after a weekend of partying for Aunt Glady’s 90th birthday to find your I.T. kit doing the breast stroke in two feet of water, you can heave a sigh of relief knowing that your data is stored safely off site and will be easy to recover.
There are a multitude of companies who will gladly store your data for you, and you’re sure to find one that you like. However,there are things you need to consider before signing up and handing over your hard earned dosh to the first one you find. You need to ask yourself:
We are more than happy to test the companies you are interested in using and provide a full and unbiased report, alternativley you could just ask us for a quote,as we provide this service too. We’ll do all the hard work meaning you have more time to enjoy a worry free extra slice of Aunt Glady’s birthday cake.